
Remarkable Cults & Their Followers by Loresmyth

Created by LoreSmyth

The ultimate game master's guide for roleplaying dark cults, factions, and their leaders. For any fantasy roleplaying game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 2 years ago – Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 04:55:59 PM

Hello, dear Loresmyths!

As promised here's a new update on the printing and shipping progress. And I could not be happier to bring you this news: All books have been manufactured and are on their way to our international shipping hubs!

Remarkable Cults & Their Followers PRINTED 

I am incredibly excited to let you know the new Remarkable Cults book has been printed, and my god, does it look PRETTY. I think together with our Wondrous Expeditions book this is the most beautiful thing we made so far, not to mention the joyfully dark subject matter. Here's a couple of images but be sure to check out more high res images on our Discord channel 

Well hullo there...
More images in our Discord channel

Full Video Update:

I am SO impressed with how this book has turned out, it is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. It's pretty amazing to think Cults is already the 3d in our Remarkable book series. I could not have guessed a couple of years ago when I did Remarkable Inns & Their Drinks, that this would become our flagship book series, let alone a "series"!!! But here we are 10 Kickstarter campaigns later. I feel blessed with such great fans and customers. So thank you again, I know I say this a lot, but I mean it. ❤️

Shipping ETA Update

Most products have arrived at Shipquest in Germany, our new EU/UK partner. We are waiting for a few last bits such as bookmarks, dice bags etcetera to come in, but we are getting ready to start pledge shipping. In addition, the products are also on their way to Nord Games in the USA (new Baltimore location) using Flying Cloud as an additional hub. We are expecting to be able to send out the first pledges towards the end of February, early March. It will not be much longer now everyone!

  • If you have any questions about updating your shipping address
  • Please contact [email protected] or go into your backerkit account to update your details.

In-Depth Product Spotlight Videos

We've begun creating cool videos on our Youtube channel that take an in-depth look at our Loresmyth products. Yesterday I dropped the Remarkable Inns video, and one for Wondrous Expeditions Forests and Remarkable Cults is also coming soon! Check it out and say hello in the comments!

If there are any kind of videos you like to see us do, please let us know!

Remarkable Guilds Kickstarts March 10th!

Our 4th Remarkable book is going to Kickstart on Tuesday, March 10th, launching around 4 pm Amsterdam time. If you are not already following this, click the link to get notified. We are hyped for this one, as it promises to be a fantastic book and exciting crowdfunding campaign! This is a Big new milestone for Loresmyth, can we count on you being there?

That's it for today, a big exciting update. So glad we are able to bring you happy news for a change!

As always, take care and talk again soon!

Chris van der Linden

More Loresmyth:

We are talking about the next Wondrous Expeditions book on the Loresmyth Discord that is resulting in super inspiring discussions. If you are not on there yet, come check it out.

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### SOCIALS ###

Loresmyth 2022 Plans + Survey
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 05:37:27 PM

Hello dear Loresmyths!

I like to wish everyone a fantastic happy new year. Let's hope the big stretch of the pandemic is behind us and 2022 will bring brighter moments for us. What I do know, is the journey is always better with YOU on our side.

Loresmyth Plans for 2022

We are kicking things off with a bang right out of the gate. Check out our new blog post on the Loresmyth website for all the new announcements, including an in-depth video update from yours truly. It is no surprise by now that Remarkable Guilds is Kickstarting as soon as March (well, technically its been a long time since Cults at the beginning of 2021 haha but hey!) and you don't want to miss that new Remarkable book. Get notified via this link.

Remarkable Cults book printing update

We have word from our book manufacturer that all new books have finished printing and are currently being prepared for ocean cargo transport. We will be awaiting a phone call towards the end of this month (January) to get confirmation all our new books are on their way to our international shipping hubs. Since we've chosen to change from our west coast USA hub to move to a new place on the east coast, there's a good chance the transportation time is moderately short. We will keep you posted!

NOTE: We are charging failed credit cards on Backerkit for add-ons and shipping charges. This is not the charge of the original campaign pledge. Thank you :) 

Take The Survey

Next Wondrous Expeditions Book Survey!

We can now officially announce that the second Kickstarter of this year, after Remarkable Guilds, will be for a 2nd Wondrous Expeditions book. We've received such high praise on the digital version that was shipped to backers last year, we feel confident and excited about doing another one! We know backers are still waiting to get your physical copy of Wondrous Expeditions Forests, but our alternating production cycles mean that we will start producing this next book in two months from now. With the experience and template of the Forests book in place, we also know making the second book in this product line will be much easier.


Take a minute to answer the survey we've prepared for you. This is your chance to tell us what wilderness terrain you think the next book should be about, and as you know we love hearing your thoughts and ideas!

That's it for today. Talk again soon!

Chris van der Linden

Loresmyth Discord Happiness

We've just posted a new weekly roleplaying prompt/challenge on the Loresmyth Discord that is resulting in hilarious reactions. If you are not on there yet, come check it out. It's a fun place to hang out!

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### SOCIALS ###

Digital Pledge Downloads Distribution Started
over 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 05:24:09 AM

Hello dear Loresmyths! 

Just before Xmas time, we've started the distribution of your digital pledge items. Keep an eye out for your inbox and make sure you are receiving emails from Backerkit. If you have multiple items, they are grouped into a single email. 

Remarkable Cults & Their Followers PDF

We already shared the final review version a while back, but now the PDF is really finished. We like to thank all backers one last time for supporting this amazing Kickstarter. It has been a very challenging year, but your support and positive messages motivate us to keep pushing on! Please let us know how you like this brand-new Remarkable book. Join our Discord to chat and discuss! 

Right or Wrong. Who Can Judge?

Pledge Item Downloads

We kindly ask you to backup your own digital items on a computer or backup drive for the future. You are always welcome to reach out to us in case of need, but it's good to have local storage of your own pledge files. 

If you have any questions or need help, please mail [email protected] 

Loresmyth Discord Happiness

We've just posted a new weekly roleplaying prompt/challenge on the Loresmyth Discord that is resulting in fantastic reactions. If you are not on there yet, come check it out. It's a fun place to hang out!

### LINKS ####

### SOCIALS ###

On behalf of everyone at Loresmyth, we like to wish you happy holidays and a great new year. If we don't talk again before that time, see you in 2022!!

Chris van der Linden

Backerkit Pledges Locked & Cards Charged
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 10:49:02 PM

Hello Loresmyths, 

Hope you are doing great and having fantastic games! Here's a new update for you regarding the Remarkable Cults Kickstarter fulfilment. 

Backerkit Pledges Locked & Cards Charged. 

As explained earlier, we have locked the Bacerkit pledge manager orders and started charging credit cards for any outstanding costs, typically add-ons and shipping charges. Most cards charge successfully on the first try, but there are always cards that are declined. Please keep an eye out for emails from Backerkit to see how your order has been processed. 

Locking Addresses

The last step is to lock your shipping addresses. We will do this once the products have arrived in our international shipping hubs, so you still have a little time to update your address if needed. You will get an email notification once addresses are about to get locked. 

Digital Pledge Item Fulfilment 

We will start sending digital file download links from December 23 and onwards. It always takes a while for the entire queue to process, so it may take a while for you to receive the email(s). Make sure you are receiving emails from Backerkit because these include your download links. 

You will only get the download links if you have no outstanding credit card balance in Backerkit. 

Contact Our Support

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to mail [email protected]  Our team will get back to you as soon as we can. 👊

Wishing you all happy holidays, and talk again soon!! 

If you have not done so already, consider joining our Discord server

Chris van der Linden

Cults Printing & Fulfilment Update
over 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 05:17:08 AM

Hello dear Loresmyths!

We took a little longer to write this update to give you real new info instead of "maybes", so we had to be patient to get tangible new information. In the past months, I've been incredibly busy sorting out the various manufacturing issues and preparing for the international transportation and fulfillment for our pending campaigns. The good news is that the Remarkable Cults book is being printed as we speak! 

 Cults Book Printing Status

We have a massive print order going that is for all the books. This means the Wondrous Expeditions Forest book is now getting completed, in addition to Remarkable Cults and new stock of our existing products (Shops & Inns).  In the coming weeks, all 25.000 books will get finished and made ready for transportation. The original misprinted Wondrous books have been destructed and will get recycled for other projects.

We estimate the new stock to arrive in our USA and EU shipping hubs around March next year. We will keep you informed as we have new information.

While we didn't get images of the Cults book, in particular,  they are part of the same print run. Here are some images and a video for a great behind-the-scenes look. It's a fantastic insight into how things are being made.

Video of the printing process:

Remarkable Shops re-print for new stock
Huuuge stacks of paper

Getting 25.000 books made during a pandemic

With the global supply chain problems, manufacturing books was already much more difficult than it was pre-covid, but with the misprint and several paper shortages, it turned into a genuine nightmare. I deliberately did not want to cause a panic, so opted to not fill you in on every single detail. In the past months, I've worked with various international book printers to see if we could get our 25.000 books manufactured to great quality and in a timely manner. This was a big ordeal, as we had to get paper samples, compare dozens of price quotes, line up potential transporters, and so forth. We looked into finding a potential new manufacturer in the USA or Canada as it's closer to where the majority of our customers are, but in the end, the book printing was 2 to 3 times more expensive in those countries.

After many intense weeks of exploring options under big time and financial pressure, I gave the order back to our existing partner. The current order is for all titles at once: Wondrous Expeditions Forests, Remarkable Cults, and Remarkable Shops & Inns re-stock. All in all, with the rising transportation cost, paper cost, and various other setbacks, the total printing cost ended up being whopping 30.000 euros more than what was initially budgeted in our two Kickstarter campaigns. The financial setbacks, together with the delay in fulfillment, have resulted in a very stressful period that took quite a toll. Keeping backers waiting for a long time, and missing out on sales revenue of not having certain new titles in stock has been weighing heavy on the mind.

With that said, we are trying to keep a positive outlook, and the Remarkable Guilds Kickstarter that is on the horizon certainly helps uplift our moods. I want to thank everyone one more time for your kind, heartfelt messages. You helped me pull through one of the hardest times I've had.

Backerkit Locking Orders & Charging Cards

On to more practical matters. We have waited quite a long time after the campaign's ending to charge your cards for add-ons and shipping charges because we did not want to take your money when receiving pledges was still a long time away. Now we finally have the books printed and a reasonable ETA of arrival, we are moving ahead with locking backerkit orders and charging the cards.

  •  Locking Orders: December 20th
  •  Charging Cards: December 21th
  •  Digital File Fulfilment: December 23-25th
  •  Locking Shipping Addresses: January 1st

Your Backerkit Link:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] and our team will follow up with you. Robin is ready to help you with any questions.

Shipping Rates Updated in Backerkit

Some less fun news. Because of the pandemic, shipping rates and book printing costs have gone up quite dramatically over the past 12 months. Initially, we kept the rates unchanged and planned to "eat the costs" as a company. However, this has amounted to such a big figure (about $20.000) we could no longer entirely shield our customers from the economic changes.  We have updated the shipping rates in backerkit to match today's rates, as the "old" rates were set nearly a year ago no longer correct. In some cases, rates stayed the same or changed only a little, in some cases, they have increased quite a bit. We decided not to factor increased book manufacturing and transportation costs into item prices and relay them to the customer as some other creators have done. We kept the pledge prices the same and only updated shipping rates. For future Kickstarters, books and card deck items may cost a little more to adjust for the changed economics. 

Keep in mind these rates also include a handling fee that we owe our shipping partners for storing, picking & packing our orders. We work hard to bring everyone the most economic rates, but unfortunately, there's no way of denying the rising costs that have come with the pandemic.

New EU partner: ShipQuest

Some more great news: As part of our ongoing growth and professionalizing of our services, we have partnered with ShipQuest for all European order shipping. This is a big milestone as it means the DIY garage shipping days are over. It really signifies just how much Loresmyth has grown and it definitely means a lot to us. In specific, we have chosen to use Shipquests' location in Germany, and may potentially branch out into their UK hub in the future. This sets Loresmyth up for a bright future going into 2022. 

Until now, for everything that was not the USA I've shipped orders and pledges DIY from my private home in the Netherlands, and things just got WAY to big to handle myself :) My wife sure is happy to get some space back and not have me haul packages and shipping pallets through the garden weekly.

This means that effectively starting the new year, all e-commerce and Kickstarter packages are shipped from Shipquest (EU + OTHER) or Nord Games (USA, CA, AU). There will be a couple of weeks/months period where we are in limbo, and some EU orders are pending shipping as our inventory is in transit to our hubs.

Warm memories of DIY shipping with the family
The final day of DIY shipping... what a journey!

There we go! This was a big update, I tried to cover all subjects. I am very glad that (hopefully for real now) all of the big setbacks are really behind us. I am SO ready for a new chapter where we can return to our normal routine a bit. We are slowly gearing up for the Remarkable Guilds campaign, and my gawd, the book previews look stunning. You will be surprised!

Meet us on Discord! 

If you have any questions after this update, please consider joining the Loresmyth Discord channel, or contact our support team.

Best wishes and talk soon!

Chris van der Linden